Are you looking for the best Shared Hosting solution for your new website? Then, you’re at the right place. 

Undoubtedly, Shared Hosting is one of the cost-effective and affordable web hosting services, as multiple websites share the same server. You can choose from Windows or Linux Shared Hosting, depending on your specific needs. 

However, the operating system isn’t the only factor you must consider. There are multiple factors you must consider and questions you need to ask the web hosting provider in India when purchasing a Shared Hosting service. 

In this article, we’ll see the crucial questions you must ask your prospective Shared Hosting provider when opting for a Shared Hosting solution for your website. 

Questions To Ask Your Shared Hosting Provider

Here are a few questions you can ask your shared hosting provider before taking up their plan.

  1. What is the uptime guarantee?

Uptime refers to the time a website is available when visitors access it, making it an essential aspect of any website.

And most of the Shared Hosting providers offer uptime guarantees (e.g. 99.9% uptime). 

So make sure that you ask your provider about 

  • Uptime guarantee 
  • What steps will they take to ensure that your website will stay online?
  • What compensation will they give if they fail to meet their uptime guarantee?
  1. What kind of customer and technical support do they offer?

An issue can arise at any time, anywhere, and at that time, you require reliable support. 

So it is also essential to ensure that your Web Hosting provider will give you top-notch 24/7 customers and technical support via multiple channels (e.g. phone, email, live chat).

  1. How many websites are hosted on each server?

In Shared Web Hosting services, many websites share a single server. 

Therefore, it will become essential to know the following:

  • How many websites are hosted on a server?
  • How will they ensure that the performance of your website will not be hampered due to another website?
  1. What kind of security measures do they offer?

Security is the primary concern of everyone, and when it comes to Web Hosting, it will become essential. 

So make sure you ask your provider: 

  • What kind of security measures will they provide to protect your website from cyber threats?
  • Will it include firewalls, malware scanning, and regular software updates?
  1. What kind of backup and restore options do they offer?

Everything is uncertain, so anything wrong may happen with your website at anytime. But at a point, you can’t afford to lose all your necessary data and file. 

So it is crucial to ask your Web Hosting provider about the following:

  • Backup and restore options. 
  • Ask the provider about the automatic backups regularly. 
  1. What kind of scalability options do they offer?

You will require more resources to maintain the website and its performance after a period when your website grows and gains more traffic. 

So ask your provider:

  • What scalability options do they offer, such as upgrading your plan to VPS or a Dedicated Server? 
  • What will be the cost and logistics of upgrading the plan?
  1. What is the renewal price?

Many Shared Hosting providers offer the initial price, significantly lowering the renewal price. 

Thus, remember to ask your hosting provider 

  • What will be the renewal price?

 It will assist you in ensuring that you will get a good deal in the long run. 


Asking the questions mentioned above is essential to choose the best Shared Hosting which full fills all your needs at a determined budget.

So, ensure you refer and ask the questions mentioned above to your hosting provider to make a better-informed decision about choosing the right Windows or Linux Shared Hosting service.